Thursday, December 11, 2014

We have a series title!

The holiday season is upon us once again.  If you are looking to share either of my books this holiday season, they will be on sale for $0.99 a piece December 16th-23rd.  What a deal!  If you have already shared them and are looking for something else, may I recommend what I am currently reading right now, The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie.  Fantastic read so far!

In some personally exciting news, I have a name for the series of novels I've been working on for the last year and a half.  Two books in and still without a name to the series.  I'm currently at work on book 3, The Falling Stars, and I stalled out for a little bit trying to finish up a chapter.  Instead of closing my laptop in frustration, I decided to take a detour and spend some time thinking of a name for the series.  I got one.

Stars of the New Gods.

That's it.  Find the Star and When the Red Moon Runs Dry are currently having their Amazon status updated to reflect the new title of the series.  It might not be much of news, but it's fun for me.

Thanks everyone and happy holidays!