Not a huge fan of blog writing, more of blog reading. However, I have entered the world of self-publishing in the last few months and every piece of advice garnished from my fellow authors demands the self-published author have a blog. Here it is.
No promises here. I will try to update this as much as I can, but when I have spare time to sit in front of my computer, it is either to work on my current book or update my fantasy basketball team. I hope you understand.
If for some reason you have stumbled upon this blog and are shaking your laptop, wailing, "Kyle! No! More, please! You must give me more of your words!", then I will point you in the direction of my first novel, Find the Star. It's my first novel, and the first in a series of which I don't have a name for but am currently deep in composition of its sequel. If you decide to spend your $2.99 or $0.99 on it, I very much hope you enjoy it. To shamelessly self-promote myself and my publisher, Amazon, if you sign up for their Prime Membership, you can download my book and any future books I put out for free from the Kindle Lending Library. There is also a treasure trove of authors and books in the Lending Library you have access to.
Again, no promises here and I doubt there are more than three people who will read this before my next update, but I will try to keep this fresh. Thanks for being a reader, reader.
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